Centrul de LifeLong Learning,
împreună cu
Administraţia Naţională a Penitenciarelor (ANP)
şi International Correction and Prison Association
a organizat marţi, 14 Aprilie 2009 la Clubul Casei Universitarilor conferinţa:
21st Century Prisons: The Need for Staff Specialization, Support and TrainingInvitat: prof. dr. Elaine Crawley,
Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Director of Salford Centre for Prison Studies, University of Salford, Greater Manchester
Dr. Elaine Crawley has conducted extensive research into the working lives of prison staff, and into the coping strategies and experiences of prisoners. During the past 12 years her research into these issues has taken place not only in the UK, but also in Russia, Germany, Sweden, Canada and the United States. Her best-known publication is a book called 'Doing Prison Work: the public and private lives of prison officers', which was published in 2004.
Au participat aproximativ 60 de persoane: personal din ANP, cadre didactice şi studenţi ai Universităţii Babeş-Bolyai.
Conferinţa s-a desfăşurat în limba engleză.